The Faculty of Nursing at Baghdad University organized a field visit to Ibn Al-Bitar Hospital for Cardiology and Cardiology Specialized in Cardiac Diseases for Children and Adults accompanied by master’s students in the pediatric nursing branch and supervised by faculty members.

The aim of the visit was to identify congenital heart disease in the children’s wards and the most important nursing measures for children.

The visit included a detailed definition of common and rare conditions of disease among children, as well as postgraduate students (presenting a state of disease), where cyanotic and acyanotic heart diseases were discussed, and how to prevent serious complications and deterioration of children’s health status. Health education was also provided to children’s families in terms of reducing the respiratory effort on the child during breastfeeding and following up signs of pulmonary congestion. Detailed explanation was provided on the use of medical devices in patient care and the advanced nursing role in the use of two devices (syringe injector pump) and (IV fluids calculators)

In conclusion, the acknowledge was provided to the nursing staff in the children’s wards for their hard work and cooperation with students. Some scientific suggestions have also been made by postgraduate students about the possibility of starting to present research problems for children diagnosed with heart disease and their families.

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